On The Second Day of Christmas…
December 15th, 2011 by slangon

…my collection gave to me Two 56’s, And a Cardboard Zeppelin!

Night of the 20¢ Bin
June 5th, 2011 by slangon

Here’s another bucks worth of cards from the Quarter Bin, which has recently been installed with a “or 5 for a dollar” option. All cards come to you courtesy of the 1970 Topps baseball set. Just a quick word about the 1970 set. It seems like a lot of people don’t really dig this set […]

Card of the Moment #68: Cinco de Mayo Edition
May 5th, 2011 by slangon

Today’s Card of the Moment is brought to us by the number cinco. And the colors green white and red. And limes. Although I am not, nor have I ever been, Mexican, Cinco de Mayo is one of my favorite holidays. I have no idea why. Maybe because it falls at a time of the […]

Some Non-Mets Sportlots Gets
March 5th, 2010 by slangon

I snagged another mini-haul from good old Sportlots. This one started with one specific card that I had wanted for a spell that someone was selling for a nice price so I decided to jump on it. I couldn’t very well buy just one card though. That would make no sense. I saw a few […]