On The Eleventh Day of Christmas…
December 24th, 2012 by slangon

…my collection gave to me… Eleven 1960’s, Ten Non-Sports Cards, Nine Crusty Skippers Eight Team Portraits, Seven Hall of Famers, Six Vintage Oddballs, Five Mini Mets, Four Old Ass Cards, Three Guys Named Johnny, Two Keith Hernandez’s, And a Vintage Moe Berg!

The Quest for the 1960 Topps Set, Part XXXIII
February 15th, 2012 by slangon

I recently hit up that wondrous Virtual Quarter Bin that is Sportlots in search of some cards that I needed for my 1960 Topps set. I was able to knock off the equivalent of 3 nickel packs and with no doubles to boot. Of course, that would’ve run me 15¢ back in 1960, whereas I […]

Some More Sportlots
February 15th, 2010 by slangon

Since Topps is apparently taking its sweet-ass time activating the Million Card Giveaway, I thought I’d showcase some old cards that I got recently from Sportlots. Dollars to donuts they’re probably much cooler than anything I’m going to get from that giveaway anyways. I ended up with 39 cards for around $20 with shipping. Not […]