Postseason Thoughts from a Fan Standing on the Outside
October 6th, 2010 by slangon

So today starts the 2010 Major League Baseball Postseason. Some of you may be shocked to learn that my beloved Mets did not make the cut this year. Yeah. I know. Crazy, isn’t it? Anyway, despite not having my team in the mix to root for, I still always love watching the playoffs and the […]

2010 Topps Series 2 Hobby Box, Part 3
May 30th, 2010 by slangon

Here we go with round 2. The one problem with this round was that I realized that there were 9 Mickey Mantle Packs, 9 Ty Cobb packs, only 8 Babe Ruths and 10 Dustin Pedroias. Therefore, if I want to stick to my plan of 9 rounds of Cobb vs. Ruth vs. Mantle vs. Pedroia, […]

Christmas Cards (The Kind Without Glitter) Part IV
January 7th, 2010 by slangon

I finally got around to sorting and scanning that box of 2009 Upper Deck A Piece of History. Initially, I picked this box simply for that fact that it was pretty cheap ($40) but it was supposed to pop out 4 hits. On average, each box is supposed to have 1 Piece of Hollywood relic, […]

2009 Allen & Ginter Blaster
August 6th, 2009 by slangon

So after much procrastinating, here is the much anticipated 2009 Allen & Ginter blaster I scored at Target the other day. Seriously, I know you were waiting for this all week. And you know these blasters are supposed to be all stuffed to the gills with relics and autos and DNA shizznit and what have […]