Some Cards That Recently Fell Into My Clutches
November 7th, 2011 by slangon

I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything I picked up at the old Sportlots site. Shocking, I know. Well, that’s about to change because here’s a sack of cards that I recently got from that very institution, none of which coat me more than 2 bits (with the exception of one […]

The Dime Sucking 20¢ Bin
June 13th, 2011 by slangon

This is the last dollars worth of cards from the Lincoln I dropped at the card shop a couple of weeks ago. Breaking it up into $1 chunks and a very lazy posting schedule have provided me with a weeks worth of blog fodder. Not bad for 5 bucks. Anyway, this is another batch of […]

Attack of the 25¢ Bin
March 2nd, 2011 by slangon

Another trip to the 25¢ bin, and another $3.00 in the pocket of the local card shop guy. As usual, I’m pretty satisfied with that trade off. One thing I did do differently during this particular trip is that I started in the middle of the box. Normally, when I search through the box, I […]

The 6 for $5 Bin
February 4th, 2010 by slangon

More and more around the interwebs we’ve been seeing the first crop of 2010 Topps popping up. To be honest, despite my proclamations that 2010 is The Year of Vintage, seeing all those new cards has given me an awful itch to crack some packs. Nothing big deal, mind you. Just a couple of packs […]