Congratulations to Mike Piazza on Your Well Deserved Hall of Fame Election

January 9th, 2013 by slangon

So Mike Piazza has not been voted into the Hall of Fame, getting only 57% of the vote. Apparently though, he’s in good company as no one has been voted in. Since I’ve already scanned them though, here’s some Mikey P. cards that I was going to show had he made the cut. Piazza (and […]

On The Fifth Day of Christmas…
December 18th, 2011 by slangon

…my collection gave to me Five Checked Up Checklists, Four Mini Cards, Three Jersey Relics, Two 56’s, And a Cardboard Zeppelin!

Have You Ever Had the Urge to Check Off Vintage Checklists?
October 1st, 2010 by slangon

Well, thanks to wonders of technology and a healthy dose of severe boredom sprinkled with some downtime to kill at work, I didn’t have to fight that urge any longer. As you can see, Series 6 and 7 could really use some help, but Series 1, 2 and 3 are filling up fast.