On The Twelfth Day of Christmas…
December 25th, 2011 by slangon

…my collection gave to me Twelve Vintage Mets, Eleven League Leaders, Ten Rookie Cards, Nine Team Cards, Eight Crusty Skippers, Seven TTM Autos, Six 1960 High Numbers, Five Checked Up Checklists, Four Mini Cards, Three Jersey Relics, Two 56’s, And a Cardboard Zeppelin! Merry Christmas to all! Have a great holiday season.

“O” Yeah! It’s a Trade.
September 4th, 2011 by slangon

A while back, Ryan from “O” No! Another Orioles Blog had contacted me about having some cards from my Mets wantlist. Obviously, I’m always down to chip away at the holes in my Mets collection, so a deal was struck, cards were mailed out and delivered, despite not one, but two natural disasters taking place. The […]