Leading the League in Anxiety
September 7th, 2011 by slangon

During yesterday’s extra-inning, rain delayed game against the Marlins, Jose Reyes went 3 for 6 with a walk to propel himself back into the top spot in the National League in batting average over Ryan Braun. The day before, Jose had actually dropped into second place by 3 points, but thanks to his 3 hits […]

Gint-A-Cuffs: Round 1
July 6th, 2010 by slangon

So here we go with my first pack. Let’s hope it’s a good ‘un. #54 Tony Hawk #170 Adrian Gonzalez (+2 for being a favorite player) #74 Ryan Ludwick #35 John Lackey #AGR-RC Robinson Cano Bat Relic (+8 for being a relic /2 for being a Yankee = +4) #255 Robert Scott Mini A&G Back […]

SlangKo Heroes of the Diamond 11-15
December 15th, 2009 by slangon

The next five are ready to go. To me, this picture of John Lannan pretty much sums up the Nationals the last few years. Scared look. Dejected. Looks like he might cry. Looking over to third base for help. (I realize he’s more likely looking at the score board. I just needed to get a […]