You Gotta Take It Where You Can Get It, I Guess
July 29th, 2012 by slangon

So the Mets lost again last night. No big surprise there. It’s been almost 3 weeks since the All-Star game and the team has managed to win 2 games. Depressing. Rather than just be all doom and gloom, I’ve decided that I’m going to just look at the silver lining. For instance during last night’s […]

Postseason Thoughts from a Fan Standing on the Outside: Year 2
September 29th, 2011 by slangon

Can I just start things off by saying that last night was one of the best baseball watching nights I’ve had in what seems like forever. My head was spinning trying to keep up with all the craziness that was happening. My television was on a constant loop from ESPN for the Boston/Baltimore game to […]

My Thoughts on the Mets Going Forward: The Infield & The Bench
December 31st, 2010 by slangon

On this day of closing things out and preparing for new beginnings, I was hoping to combine the last 2 topics I wanted to cover on the Mets heading into 2011 and thus close out a series of posts that honestly have become a little bit of a chore for me. I don’t think that […]

Let’s Go Rangers
October 15th, 2010 by slangon

Now that I’m a full-blown Texas Rangers fan (until they either win the World Series or get knocked out of the playoffs) I thought I’d support the boys in the first game of the ALCS against the evil empire Yankees tonight by sharing some cards from my extensive Texas Rangers collection. Go Rangers! Gums.