The Second Ginter Blaster
August 10th, 2009 by slangon

This is the second 09 Ginter blaster that I picked up at Target the other day. I was pretty disappointed by the first one and was fighting with myself on whether to get another one or not. On one hand, I was thinking “Frig that. I’ll just try to finish out my sets through trades.” On the the other hand, I felt that that first blaster was so crappy, it could only get better. The other hand won out.

As I mentioned briefly, when I got to the card aisle, there were no Ginter blasters to be found. I figured that made my decision on whether to get one or not a lot easier. I couldn’t walk away empty handed however, so I saw a box of Ginter retail packs, which looked pretty rifled-thru. I had a kind of bad feeling about them but decided to grab a few anyway. Right next to them was a box of un-rifled looking Topps Series 2, and I grabbed some of them as well.

Just as I was about to walk away, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. What’s that hiding behind that box of hockey cards? I recognize that mustachioed gentleman! It’s a Ginter box! Some turd decided to hide it back here until they could come back and claim it. Well, not today, sir. That box is mine now.

Hopefully, this one will restore my faith. Here’s what I got.

Pack 1:
131 Rickie Weeks
143 Robbie Maddison
48 Brigham Young (I was just noticing that his title is “Leader/Colonizer”. Thats a funny title.)
AGHS21 David Price
25 Evan Longoria A&G back
NP6 Johnny Cueto

Pretty good start. An insert that I actually needed. Already this box beats the other one.

Pack 2:
275 Vladimir Guerrero
279 Jon Lester
272 Brad Nelson RC
345 Carlos Delgado SP
212 Mariel Zagunis mini
NP9 Carlos Guillen

Eh. The Delgado SP is cool. Unfortunately, I already have it.

Pack 3:
180 Russell Martin
37 Andre Ethier
45 Derrek Lee
218 Bobby Parnell RC
20 Adam Jones mini
NP8 Fausto Carmona
Crack the Code Ad

Too bad I’m not a Dodgers fan.

Pack 4:
245 Todd Helton
231 David Murphy
82 Justin Verlander
334 Pat Burrell SP
105 Kurt Suzuki mini
67 Ian Kinsler mini
NP5 Ryan Dempster

Whoa. A 7 pack. 2 minis. Sweet.

Pack 5:
5 Luke Hochevar
38 Troy Glaus
09AGsabathiaRelicARG-CS CC Sabathia Relic
09AGumanHeroesNH8 Tecun Uman
NP2 Justin Upton
Crack the Code Ad

Now thats what I’m talking about! A relic and a National Heroes insert. I was noticing though, Sabathia isn’t listed on the relic group breakdown thingie on the side of the box. What group is he in?

Pack 6:
286 Matt Kemp
25 Evan Longoria
225 David Price RC
343 Doc Holliday SP
252 Lastings Milledge mini black border
NP7 Chipper Jones

Too bad I’m not a Rays fan.

Pack 7:
233 John Lackey
109 Samuel Morse
211 Kevin Millwood
350 Jimmy Rollins SP
09AGparkerHoaxHHB14 George Parker
NP3 Jason Bay

Another insert. Nice. Also, I’m already seeing the National Pride pattern emerging. How much you wanna bet the NP in the last pack is #4?

Pack 8:
222 Akinori Iwamura
155 Yadier Molina
128 Red Moore
294 Tim Hudson
9 Ryan Theriot mini
NP4 Geovany Soto

This is at least the third time that’s happened with the National Pride cards. It happened in both blasters I cracked, and at least one of the 2 hobby boxes I opened. It might’ve happened in the second hobby box as well. I have to check.

Well, that was certainly worth while. It was especially satisfying to know that some jerk tried to bury that box for himself and now I have his CC Sabathia jersey. Take that.

One Response to “The Second Ginter Blaster”

  1. I’d be interested in that Adam Jones mini, should said Adam Jones mini be available via trade.

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