Some More Sportlots
February 15th, 2010 by slangon

Since Topps is apparently taking its sweet-ass time activating the Million Card Giveaway, I thought I’d showcase some old cards that I got recently from Sportlots. Dollars to donuts they’re probably much cooler than anything I’m going to get from that giveaway anyways. I ended up with 39 cards for around $20 with shipping. Not […]

2010 SlangKo’s Heroes of the Diamond: Intro
August 9th, 2009 by slangon

A while back, I was sitting around drinking a beer on my back porch, thinking about insert sets. I personally enjoy insert sets quite a bit. Sometimes, quite a bit more that whatever base set they’re part of. Take 2009 Topps, for instance. The base cards are fine. I think they’re a smidge nicer than […]