Mets Through the Years: Catchers
March 19th, 2012 by slangon

Being that this is the 50th Anniversary of the existence of the Mets, I’m taking a look at the guys who have played each position for the team throughout the years. In cardboard form, of course. Now, since I don’t want to sit here and scan 1,000,000 cards so that I can show every single […]

February 18th, 2012 by slangon

Days until and

The State of the Blog, 2011
January 3rd, 2011 by slangon

2010 is a deader. The Christmas decorations are down. 2011 has begun. Last year, I spent some time writing a post about how I wanted to focus my collecting habits a bit, and surprisingly, I think it actually helped quite a bit. I say surprisingly because usually I’m not one who’s good with resolutions and […]