Fruits of the Greatest Month: The Throw Ins
July 20th, 2011 by slangon

No, the people I bought these cards from weren’t super generous and threw in some free cards. They were more impulse buys on my part. Lemme ‘splain. I’ve noticed that I’ve developed a specific strategy when it comes to buying cards online. I tend to employ this strategy whether it be Sportlots or eBay (to […]

The State of the Blog, 2011
January 3rd, 2011 by slangon

2010 is a deader. The Christmas decorations are down. 2011 has begun. Last year, I spent some time writing a post about how I wanted to focus my collecting habits a bit, and surprisingly, I think it actually helped quite a bit. I say surprisingly because usually I’m not one who’s good with resolutions and […]

I Told You It Was The Year of Vintage
January 23rd, 2010 by slangon

I did not decide that it was the Year of Vintage. It is apparently just fated that way. Yesterday, after I had gotten done mentioning that I was declaring this The Year of Vintage, I had to run out a do a couple of errands. I was heading over by the local Target, so I […]