Thanks Cards on Cards, Thanks A Lot
January 27th, 2010 by slangon

A while ago, Cards on Cards held a little College Bowl Pick ‘Em contest. I had the dubious distinction of being the worst out of everyone when it came to picking the winners of College Bowl games. Madding was good enough to send some prizes my way as a way of enabling my poor football […]

Mail Day with Waxaholic
October 2nd, 2009 by slangon

This trade comes to us from Captain Canuck in the far North. I sent him some ’09 Ginter needs, and he was supposed to do the same. As you’ll see, he did that and a bit more. What was supposed to be in the trade were these Ginters: #50 Pat Neshek #159 Denard Span #170 […]

Thanks to the Generosity of Others…
September 27th, 2009 by slangon

…I got me some new cards. Two manilla envelopes, to be precise. First up, a couple of weeks ago, The Great Sports Name Hall of Fame was having a little give-away. Of course I signed up, and very much to my surprise, won. I ended up picking Prize #3, 50 baseball cards. For brevity’s sake, […]