…my collection gave to me… Eight Team Portraits, Seven Hall of Famers, Six Vintage Oddballs, Five Mini Mets, Four Old Ass Cards, Three Guys Named Johnny, Two Keith Hernandez’s, And a Vintage Moe Berg!
Tags: 12 Days of Christmas, 1960 Topps, 1966 Topps Venezuelan, 1970 Topps, 1972 Topps, 1973 Topps, 1974 Topps, 1978 Topps, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds, Houston Astros, Kansas City Royals, New York Mets, New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Pirates, team card
Filed Under: Some Cards by slangon
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Back about a million years ago (or at least it seems that long ago to me) (seriously, it took me about 20 minutes of hitting “Older Posts” and scrolling down to find the post I was looking for), The Cardboard Junkie put out a call for all your blank pack searcher decoy thingies in exchange […]
Tags: 1971 Topps, 1972 Topps, 1974 Topps, 1994 Topps, 1997 Topps, 1999 Topps, 2000 Topps, 2001 Topps, 2002 Topps, Benny Agbayani, Bobby Valentine, Butch Huskey, Chicago Cubs, Darrin Jackson, Edgardo Alfonzo, Houston Astros, Ivan Rodriguez, Jason Kendall, Jim Thome, John Franco, John Olerud, manager card, Mike Piazza, New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Pirates, Ralph Houk, Rickey Henderson, Robin Ventura, team card, Tino Martinez
Filed Under: Trade by slangon
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