I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything I picked up at the old Sportlots site. Shocking, I know. Well, that’s about to change because here’s a sack of cards that I recently got from that very institution, none of which coat me more than 2 bits (with the exception of one […]
Tags: 1954 Bowman, 1954 Topps, 1957 Topps, 1958 Topps, 1959 Topps, 1961 Topps, 1962 Topps, 1963 Fleer, 1964 Topps, 1966 Topps, 1973 Topps, 2011 Allen & Ginter N43, 2011 Allen & Ginter Step Right Up, 2011 Allen & Ginter World's Most Mysterious Figures, 2011 Gypsy Queen, 2011 Topps, Al Rosen, Andre Rodgers, Bill Bonham, Bob Allison, Bobby Shantz, Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds, Dick Allen, Dick Hall, Eddie Stanky, Fire Breathing, George Crowe, Hank Foiles, Hank Sauer, Johnny Bench, Kasper Hauser, league leader card, Lucas Duda, manager card, Mickey Vernon, Milwaukee Braves, Ralph Houk, Rick Monday, Roger Craig, Roy Halladay, Snake CHarming, team card, The Human Blockhead, The Strongman, Tom Seaver, Wilbur Wood, Willie Montanez
Filed Under: Bargin Bin Baseball Cards by slangon
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This particular “pack” from the 6-for-5 bin is sort of extra-exciting for me. See, I’ve recently decided to officially collect the 1960’s Topps set and I was able to pull 5 cards that I needed out of the box. Now, I know that I’ve pulled 1960 cards out of there in the past, but those […]
Tags: 1960 Topps, 1970 Topps, Curt Blefary, Danny McDevitt, Don Dillard, Don Williams, George Crowe, Steve Bilko
Filed Under: Bargin Bin Baseball Cards by slangon