YeeHaw. I Pulled My First Cut Auto.
February 3rd, 2011 by slangon

And by “pulled” I really mean “made”. As you may or may not recall, over the summer, I sold a David Price pie face short print on eBay for a couple of bucks, and immediately turned that couple of bucks into a pile of stuff that I found more interesting than that David Price money […]

What You Can Get in Exchange for a Card of a Dude with Gunk All Over His Face
August 5th, 2010 by slangon

First off, I just want to remind everyone to go checkout the giveaway I’m doing to celebrate that this blog has turned a year old. Check it out. Okay, now onto the business at hand. I usually don’t seem to have too much luck pulling cool stuff from packs. Don’t get me wrong, I get […]

Christmas Cards (The Kind Without Glitter) Part III
January 5th, 2010 by slangon

Man, I feel like I might need to change the name of this string of posts to something less Yuletidy, or else I might still be doing Christmas posts well into March. I still got them two boxes to post up along with my Check Out My Cards swag. On top of that a bunch […]