Some Snow Day Cards
February 9th, 2013 by slangon

I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but at the moment I’m sitting under roughly a foot of snow. That’s a slightly annoying amount, but after the way everyone around here and in the media was freaking out over the last few days, it seems like a coating. Anyway, what better way to […]

I Actually Went Out of My Way to Get Some Milton Bradley Cards
May 14th, 2011 by slangon

No, not that Milton Bradley. This one. I recently scored a lot of 1969 Milton Bradley baseball cards. For those unfamiliar with these, according to the old Standard Card Catalog: The first of three sets issued by Milton Bradley over a four year period, these cards measure 2″x3″ and have a white border surrounding a […]

More eBay Junk, the 1973 Edition
August 11th, 2009 by slangon

Aside from collecting baseball cards, another of my hobbies is reading. Specifically, books about history or books about baseball. Sometimes, I like to mush both of those together and read a book about the history of baseball. A while back I had read Cobb: A Biography by Al Stump. You might be more familiar with […]