Mets Through the Years: Right Field
October 3rd, 2012 by slangon

I’ve got to get this up before 4:10. Of course I had to leave right field for last. The Mets have had more right fielders in their history than any other position. Typical. Anyway… In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the New York Mets, I’ve been looking at the primary players at each position […]

“O” Yeah! It’s a Trade.
September 4th, 2011 by slangon

A while back, Ryan from “O” No! Another Orioles Blog had contacted me about having some cards from my Mets wantlist. Obviously, I’m always down to chip away at the holes in my Mets collection, so a deal was struck, cards were mailed out and delivered, despite not one, but two natural disasters taking place. The […]