…my collection gave to me… Six Vintage Oddballs, Five Mini Mets, Four Old Ass Cards, Three Guys Named Johnny, Two Keith Hernandez’s, And a Vintage Moe Berg!
Tags: 12 Days of Christmas, 1961 Fleer All-Time Greats, 1961 Golden Press, 1961 Nu-Card Scoops, 1962 Post, 1969 Globe Imports, 1970 Fleer World Series, Andy Carey, Babe Ruth, George Sisler, Harvey Haddix, John McGraw, Lou Gehrig, manager card, Ron Swoboda
Filed Under: Some Cards by slangon
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The day has finally arrived. America’s biggest holiday behind the 4th of July, but in front of Thanksgiving. It’s Superbowl. Anyone that’s familiar with this blog probably knows that I only just recently, within the last year or 2, started to enjoy football on a regular basis. Superbowl on the other hand, I’ve always loved. […]
Tags: 1962 Post, 1973 APBA, 1978 Topps, Alex Webster, Mean Joe Greene, O.J. Simpson
Filed Under: Football by slangon
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