52 Cards from 62 (The Project, Not the Year [Although One is from 1962])
April 3rd, 2010 by slangon
This is the finale in the 3 blockbuster trades I made over the last week or two that did extensive damage to various wantlists. Chris from Project ’62 had contacted me letting me know that he recently came across a box of beat up vintage cards and offered me some Mets from the box along with some ’69 Deckle Edges. The Mets cards ranged from 1962 through some cards from this year. A veritable Mets time capsule if you will.
Here’s some highlights, working backwards through time.
I was thinking about the pairing on this card and it occurred to me that perhaps HoJo might’ve been a bit of a better pairing with David. They both play third base, they’re both members of the 30-30 club. I guess the concept of these cards though is to match a Hall of Famer with a player who might end up in the Hall one day. Sorry, HoJo.
I was glad to get this card, especially since I have no desire to collect this set, but I do want to try and track down the Mets team set. Plus, as you know, I dig team cards.
The late 70s were a pretty dismal time in Mets-land following the departure of The Franchise. This is still a pretty awesome looking card.
I had gotten some random ’76 Oakland Athletic in the Million Card Giveaway that I had been trying desperately to trade for this Jerry Grote card to no avail. Funny how things like that work.
Between the 5 guys pictured on this card, there’s a total of 168 years of Major League baseball playing and managing experience. How crazy is that?
I remember being young and I was convinced that cards that had the All-Star Rookie trophy on it were that players rookie card. Don’t blame me. It does say “Rookie” right there on the card. I’d be pretty damn happy to have Koosman’s real rookie card, considering who he shares it with.
I think out of all the 60’s Mets team sets, the 1966 is the closest to being complete. This is just one more nail in the coffin. And boy, does Ron Swoboda look determined to bury that coffin.
It’s funny. I feel like not too long ago I was complaining about how I never seem to be able to come across ’65 cards. Out of nowhere though, this year is one of the more complete sets out of all the older ones.
I constantly seem to be claiming one particular Topps set is my favorite over another particular Topps set. I’m going to put a word in for the 1964 set, but for a different reason than design. This is the only year that the Mets team set had a dude named Choo Choo and a dude named Pumpsie.
Here is the one card from 1962 that was mentioned in the title. This years team set has gotten a little bogged down since pretyy much the only cards I still need are either high numbers or Gil Hodges or Richie Ashburn.
Chris also sent over a few ’69 Deckle Edge cards. Appropriately enough, I think my favorite of the bunch happens to the most beat up. How can you not love a Bob Gibson card?
So that’s it. Thanks to Chris for all the great old Mets cards.
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