Christmas Cards (The Kind Without Glitter) Part V
January 8th, 2010 by slangon

Part of my Christmas card haul included a little spree at Check Out My Cards. I had browsed through there on many occasions, and I often use it as a reference tool, both in researching cards and in making customs. This is the first time that I bought anything there, though. If you haven’t used it, the way it works is you purchase credits, either through Paypal or by mailing in a payment, and then you use those credits to pay for your cards and whatever processing and shipping fees they charge. I started out with $30. Initially, I felt like the charges were adding up a bit too quickly for my tastes, but when I look back and see what I got for my money, I’m quite pleased.

Here’s the goods.

A trio of 09 Legendary Cuts Mets

I really like the design of these cards. The whole stamp thing looks really cool and it’s totally different than any other card design I can think of off the top of my head. I’ve always like old postage stamps. Not enough to ever think about collecting them. That’s for nerds.

And speaking of stamps and not collecting them…

1962 Topps Stamp Inserts #153 and #158

These were inserts from the ’62 Topps set. Apparently, they came in panels of 2 stamps, with an additional strip advertising an album. They either had yellow or red backgrounds.

1975 Topps #421 Mets Team Card

This officially puts the last nail in the coffin for my ’75 Mets team set. Is there any better feeling?

2005 Topps Turkey Red Football #213

It’s sort of ironic that the whole reason that I began to follow football this year was to try and forget a horrendous baseball season. It’s also ironic that Brandon Jones, who was supposed to be one of the big cogs in the Giants offense, ended up having a sub-par season due to injuries.

2009 Goodwin Champions #189 SP

I’ve officially decided that I want to start a player collection of Daniel Murphy.

A Plethora of Mex Cards
Speaking of player collections, I put a nice little dent in my Keith Hernandez collection.

I think my favorite out of all of those is that ’81 Topps Sticker. Something about that hair and that look on his face makes him look crazy. I also just realized that all of those cards are from his St. Louis days. That was not on purpose.

Now lets move on to the good stuff.

2008 UD Masterpieces Captured on Canvas Jerseys #CC47

Another jersey card for my Manningham collection. I only have a few Masterpiece cards, all of which are Mets, but I’ve always liked them. The textured card stock makes them really cool, both visually and tactually. I had never seen a relic card, but this one is really awesome. It’s not a framed relic, per se, but the green part is a separate piece from the main body of the card. It seems as though the green frame was added on top of the main card body. I actually find it pretty refreshing that the design of this particular card overshadows the fact that it’s a jersey swatch. Well done, Upper Deck.

2008 Topps Mayo Relics #RTJ

I had wanted an ’08 Mayo relic for some time now. I really like the way these cards look in general, and I especially dig the relics. I’m always a sucker for framed cards, and there’s something about the swatch being in a football shaped window that makes me smile.

2004 Fleer Authentix Game Jersey #JR

Apparently inserting ticket stubs into cards didn’t start in 2009. At least this has an actual ticket from the Mets though, and not just some random ticket stub that has nothing to do with Jose Reyes. I really like how the card is shorter than a standard card, too. Like someone actually tore off a ticket stub.

2005 SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material #KH

Another Hernandez relic for the old collection. I don’t quite get what color that swatch is supposed to be though.

And lastly…

2009 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Autographs #DM

I’ve pretty much wanted this card since I first started seeing scans of popping up on the web back when Goodwin first came out. Now I have it. To me, it is the perfect autographed card. It fills all three criteria. One, it’s an on card autograph. I’m normally not too terribly concerned with sticker vs. on card, but certainly if I had my druthers, I’d take on card any day. Two, it’s one of my favorite players. In fact, in case you missed it, I just decided to start a Danny Murphy player collections. And finally, it’s just a beautiful card.

So that’s it for my Check Out My Cards haul. Not too bad for $30. Like I said at the start, initially I was a bit skeptical about all the handling fees and whatnot, but in the end, I’m really happy with what I got for my money. I might’ve just found an eBay replacement.

One Response to “Christmas Cards (The Kind Without Glitter) Part V”

  1. Heh, I did a CheckOutMyCards post today, too. Came to the same conclusion you did. It’s spreading like wildfire!

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