Cards from Cards on Cards
December 16th, 2009 by slangon
I’ve had a bit of a dry spell as far as trades go lately. Recently however, I did manage to negotiate a pretty good one with Kerry from Cards on Cards. I gave him a big stack of ’09 Ginters, which in itself was good for me, since I’m getting sick of looking at all them doubles. In exchange, he gave me a bunch of cards that I needed, as well as a stack of Mets minor league cards. Here’s some highlights.
A Quartet of 2008 Allen & Ginter Short Prints
As well as 2 other cards I needed from that set.
And a card I needed from the dreaded 2009 Goudey set
As I said, he also threw in a stack of Mets minor leaguers, mostly from the 90’s. Nothing too big deal, but they were cool to flip through, none-the-less. Here’s a sampling:
Overall, a successful trade. I got rid of a bunch of stuff I didn’t need, and was able to cross off some stuff I did need. Thanks, again Kerry.
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