A few more comments that got clogged up my spam filter. Click on the images for a better view. There’s just way to much weird stuff going on in this one for me to wrap my brain around. From the name of the poster to the actual comment to the name of the post that […]
Filed Under: Spam Hall of Fame by slangon
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I don’t know if anyone finds these as funny as I do, but it’s my blog, dammit, so I’m posting them. Oh, Erken. You the nicest things say. Who would of thought that three seemingly separate and unrelated readers would try to one-up each other in praising my blog. They lost me at howdy-do.
Filed Under: Spam Hall of Fame by slangon
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This idea has been rolling around my brain for a while now, and I finally was inspired to act upon it. I’m not sure how any of your blogs are set up, nut here at Condition: Poor, we get out fair share of spam comments. As a matter of fact, since this blog started, the […]
Filed Under: Spam Hall of Fame by slangon
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